Maximize your potential of cracking JEE Main

Competition is seen in almost all the fields we are taking part in. Sports? Studies? What not?

India has an extremely competitive domain and various competitive exams are conducted across India every year.

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main) seems to have high demand since lakhs of students take part in it and only a handful of them are capable of qualifying. Regardless of massive efforts and solid preparations, students fail to make it through it.

Undoubtedly, JEE Main is a tough nut to crack but with a smart way of learning, one can successfully come across it irrespective of his or her status as an ‘average student.’ Hence, try being the smart worker, who is capable of achieving his goal with fewer resources and time rather than a hard worker, who spends most of the time referring to tons of books.

Therefore, here are some of the important tips that can be used to maximize your potential to crack JEE Main. Go through them and trust the process.


1.       Make up a routine or timetable –

Before starting your prep for any exam, make sure you formulate a timetable. Keep certain targets for your scheduled timetable to expand and understand particular concepts.

Focus more on those subjects that you find difficult to understand. Ensure that your study is short and fully focused and always remember that study hours are inversely proportional to the success rate.


2.       Design a pleasant study environment – 

Most of us ignore this strategy but trust me, it is a key element to maintain your concentration and to nourish your learning productivity. Make sure that your study room is clean and keep yourself unoccupied from all distractions.


3.       Solve more mock tests and previous year question papers

When students practice more mock tests and previous year question papers, they increase their thinking ability, along with a boost in their performance. The previous year's papers also help you to grasp things effectively, well before revising a particular subject.

If you choose our JEE Main courses, you will get an absolute study component that wraps up all the subjects that are necessary for the preparation for your exams. Also, make sure you go through the NCERT books.

Solving mock tests and previous year question papers also helps in uplifting your confidence level and reducing anxiety in writing any competitive exam. Also, it shows the strengths and weaknesses of a student.

Attempting mock tests will aid students to know their actual preparation level and also helps to see how much more effort is required to gain progress. You can also gain access to these through online websites and E-learning apps, which saves your time and money.


4.       Learn basic concepts and avoid rote learning –

Competitive exams like JEE Main, NEET UG, AIIMS are extremely complicated and cannot be possessed through rote learning. One cannot pull off these exams by simply segregating several concepts and imprinting them in their memory.

One needs to understand the concept and know how they are linked to each other. Understanding helps you to retain a particular concept for a long period rather than rote learning, which results in a wrong impression or understanding of a concept.

Since JEE Main has a fixed syllabus every year, there is a similar pattern that goes on for years. Hence, go through the syllabus thoroughly, learn all the basic concepts, and revise each concept every week.


5.       Take good care of your health –

Take consistent breaks in between your study sessions to keep yourself active throughout the day. Maintain a sleep cycle of 7-8 hours a day and drink plenty of water to prevent drowsiness, headache, anxiety, etc. It also ensures a proper recovery of the body.

Ensure maintaining a balanced diet. One needs to eat healthy to perform steadily. Make sure you do some physical or recreational activities which freshen up your mind and also give you energy.


6.       Be familiar with shortcut formulas –

Preparation for boards and JEE Main are two different things. A lot of students fall into this trap and end up feeling guilty about their performance. In competitive exams such as JEE Main , most of the students fail to answer all the questions under the allotted time. Therefore, shortcut formulas are efficient and time-saving, which plays a major role in competitive exams.

Cracking JEE Main is not an impossible task. With the right tools, dedication, and hard work, one can attain their goal in cracking these competitive exams.


All the best to all the aspirants!