How can Students cope with anxiety during exam preparations?

It is common to feel anxious during exams. As a matter of fact, some anxiety can help boost your performance. Stress and anxiety in most cases release adrenaline which can be helpful when responding to challenging situations.

Students usually do feel anxious and stressful about a couple of different reasons namely, if they have prepared enough, if they are going to perform well, if they are going to clear the paper or not, and so on. But there are certain ways in which a student can control and reduce their stress and anxiety. Let us look at some of those methods:


1.     Start preparation as early as possible -

As simple as it may sound it is quite hard to follow this. Most students find it difficult to start preparations well in advance. But if students can start and manage their preparations early on, it will help them allocate enough time for each subject/Paper/chapter and lead them to be well prepared for their exams.


2.     Prepare a schedule or timetable -

Distributing your time is also necessary for you to effectively use it to reach the targets you have set for yourself.  You can do so by preparing a timetable or schedule and make sure that you follow it sincerely. So, if you have a schedule in place no matter how much time you have left you still can manage to get your preparations done for your exams.


3.     Be Positive and mentally prepared -

Students must realize that panicking and worrying but not acting upon it is not going to help them in any way. It is always necessary to maintain a positive attitude throughout your exam preparations. You must also be mentally prepared for these major exams and take things in the right spirit and focus on studying.


4.     Keep self-confidence -

Students must remember that their best preparation will lead to their excellence. You must never be bothered by what others have to say, think, or tell. You must study for yourself and give your best in the exams. Never let anyone underestimate you and always keep faith in yourself.


5.     Strictly avoid procrastination -

Students must always keep in mind that time never stops for anyone, time once lost can never be regained again. So, it is crucial for students to plan their time and start preparations as per the plan itself. Delaying the things and procrastination is not beneficial for anyone. As the famous quote says, “Finish tomorrow’s tasks today and today’s tasks right now”.



6.     Have adequate sleep -

You can never focus and concentrate on your learning if you do not have enough sleep and rest. It is very important to get at least 6-9 hours of sleep every night. Students can also use power naps to feel refreshed and study during the day. Power Naps can be anywhere from 15-30 minutes.


7.     Manage your time well -

Students must use their time in the right manner and not waste time, especially when the competitive exams are nearing. You must have a balance of studying and fun, if you study too much while not taking breaks, your mind may not be able to understand and recollect most of the things that you read. So, plan your days well and maximize your learning!


8.     Talk to the right people about your worries -

It is natural to be tensed about the exams. But this should not be affecting you negatively such that it is disturbing your preparation. Students must consider talking to anyone they feel comfortable with such as parents, teachers, friends, or even other family members. Talking and sharing your thoughts can really help ease most of your stress off.


9.     Exercise and relaxation techniques -

When students are worked up with studying, they can use some relaxation techniques to ease themselves, they may include – meditation, power naps, small walks, and workouts of not more than 25 minutes.


10. Eat healthy and drink sufficient water -

Eating oily foods or foods with a lot of calories can make you feel drowsy and reduce one’s concentration. Prefer eating foods like salads or home-made food. An individual cannot study on an empty stomach or even if they are too full. It is also important to eat a balanced diet and eat as much as it is required for your body.

Always remember to drink lots of water, it is very important I.e., at least 2 liters of water/day. It is needless to say that you need to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Some foods that help in enhancing study experience are – nuts, berries, dark chocolate and cocoa products, eggs, fish, citrus fruits, red, green, and orange vegetables.

How to avoid Anxiety the night before the exam

Do not study overnight, always ensure to have at least 6-9 hours of sleep on the night before the exam. Follow techniques which help you stay calm and relaxed, like meditation. You can also read or watch something funny as it relieves most of your stress. Eat well, stay hydrated and pack all the necessary things for writing your exam.

How to manage anxiety while writing the exam

Whenever you feel stressed while answering your paper, take a few seconds; close your eyes and take deep breaths. Read through the paper once before starting to answer and try to recollect the important points. Answer the questions which you feel are easy first then move on to the other ones. Try to keep a positive mindset while answering and do not panic. Try your best to manage your time and allocate time for each question/section.